Good morning lovely! I hope your Friday is starting off just beautifully on this slow snowy morning. Today’s Top Five, is all the reasons I believe an updated headshot, could be the difference between booking your ideal client, and loosing them.
One of the FIRST things people see on your Linked in, or any social media for that matter, is your profile picture. Your brand… YOU. So, shouldn’t that portrait reflect that?
#1 – Branding:
Branding what you do, is just as important as showing people who you are. It gives people something to connect to, and to REALLY see what you do, instead of just reading about it. I know you are scrolling facebook and instagram… what pictures stop you? The one of just text, or the one telling a story? The one with that beautiful fancy bling?
Calder’s Dairy Shoot – At the factory
Like Custom bling by Victor at 14Karat Jeweler … YES PLEASE! I’m headed to the store now!
I’m nosy, I’m pretty sure most people who have sat through a wedding meeting with me, knows this lol I want to SEE what you do, and I want to see that you are absolutely loving what you do. To me, if you love what you do, then I love what you do.
Like, when I got to hang out with the talented and GORGEOUS Roxanne at the Studio. ( you can check her out HERE AND on the radio Weekdays 10-3 on 99.5 WYCD )
#3 – Traditional is ALWAYS a must:
The traditional headshot is always a must. It’s the one your grandma want’s to hang on her wall and say ” She /He Made it!” It’s the one that comics hand out to their favorite restaurant to hang on their wall. Mainly it’s the one that is classic, and perfect for that Linked In profile.
Selling a house? Matt is here to help !
#4 The Office:
You’ve worked hard on creating a space that you feel creative in, work hard in, or have clients come hang out in while you show them what you can do. Now it’s time to show if off, and give people a feel for how you operate! It’s also helpful for the client to see what they are walking into.
#5 Getting Personal:
At you headshot session, I always want to take pictures of things that matter to your business and you. If you want to really connect with your potential clients in this day and age, you’ve got to open up – and show off a little bit of what makes you, YOU! So Emily brought a few of her favorite books, and of course some coffee 😉
A super great AdviCoach!
Long story short, a new head shot might just be what you need to elevate your website, and your business. And if you really want to know, I am in the works of setting up my very own head shot session, to do … ALL of the things I just talked about.
Happy Fri-YAY everyone!
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